• 01270 780270
  • admin@sound.cheshire.sch.uk
  • 2 Whitchurch Rd, Sound, Nantwich CW5 8AE
  • School Uniform

    Our school uniform is:

    • School jumper (v necked or round neck) or school cardigan (available from ‘School’s In’ on Hospital Street in Nantwich, or Whitchurch Sports shop, Watergate Street, Whitchurch).
    • Pale blue polo shirt or blouse 
    • Charcoal grey trousers, shorts, skirt, or pinafore.
    • In the summer girls are also able to wear pale blue & white gingham dresses.
    • Black shoes
    • Grey, black or white socks

    Please ensure all items are labelled with the child’s name! There is a lost property box in the hall which you are welcome to look through to find any missing items;  and at the end of term, we often put it on the playground for items to find their way home! If all items are labelled, this greatly helps! 

    Help may be available to some parents towards the cost of purchasing school uniform. 

    PE Kit

    • Plain white t-shirt (a t-shirt with the school logo if desired, is available from ‘School’s In‘, Nantwich or Whitchurch Sports shop)
    • Plain black shorts or tracksuit bottoms
    • Plain black hoodie or sweatshirt.
    • Trainers or pumps.

    New Update :

    We will also be transitioning to a blue polo shirt for PE in September 2025, but the white tops are still fine to wear this year. Any school sports competitions,  a separate school sports kit will be given for most sports. Further information on school sports events will come out in the next few weeks.

    Outdoor Play

    To ensure that our children get the maximum opportunity for outdoor play and activities, we allow the children to play on the school field as much as is feasible with the weather conditions. To take advantage of this, it is very important that children have a second pair of ‘field’ trainers or wellies to keep at school.

    Thank you for your support with this.