• 01270 780270
  • admin@sound.cheshire.sch.uk
  • 2 Whitchurch Rd, Sound, Nantwich CW5 8AE
  • Art

    Curriculum Intent 

    Our intent in Art is to ensure all pupils are taught the knowledge, skills and vocabulary appropriate to their year group focussing on the key end points.

    Curriculum statement

    Sound and District Primary School provides children with the opportunity to develop creativity and imagination in art through a range of activities, recording from first hand experiences and from imagination. 

    Art and Design and Technology at Sound and District Primary School

    Sound and District Primary School provides children with the opportunity to develop creativity and imagination in art through a range of activities, recording from first hand experiences and from imagination. Children are encouraged to use a variety of media as well as studying the work of key artists and designers. The children’s art work is frequently displayed within the school and the local community.

    ART Long Term Plan FINAL

    Art Progression of Vocabulary


    Each year we have a highly anticipated and extremely successful Art Week. The children spend the whole week working around a chosen theme. We dedicate our time to inspiring the children through Art and tackling many exciting and large-scale projects to help develop and build on their existing Art skills. Each class throughout the school creates pieces of Art, both individually and in groups, based on the theme. The following week, parents, grandparents, relatives and friends are invited to visit the school to enjoy and appreciate the children’s hard work, in an exhibition of their talents. This has always been a resounding success, with a big impact, and we always urge as many visitors as possible; it is a real celebration of the creativity within our school.

    Please see some of our fabulous art work in the photographs below!

    ART WEEK 2023


    ART WEEK 2022


    ART WEEK 2021

    In Summer 2021 we held our annual Art Week. Due to Covid, things were still not quite back to normal, however this did not stop us from getting creative. Across the school, we used the opportunity to ensure that we continued to develop the art skills of all the children as part of our ‘catch-up’ curriculum. Every opportunity was used to produce work on an individual, group and class basis while working with a range of media. The children produced many outstanding pieces of work which are now displayed around the school and many examples were also added to the display at Nantwich Museum over October half-term, which celebrated art from schools within the area.

    Virtual Art Week 2020

    In June, as a school, we continued our tradition of an annual Art Week. Those children that had returned to school took part in their bubbles and those that were working at home virtually spent each afternoon of the week focusing on a range of Art activities.

    The theme was slightly different as previous years; we focused on different styles of Art as well as famous artists. This was fantastic for building up our knowledge and skills! As you can see from many of the amazing works of art below the children had a creative time!




    Tate Kids – this website is full of information about well-known artists and has a range of with lots of online games and quizzes.

    Art Project for Kids  – this website has a great range of step by step activities for drawing.

    Could you complete a ’10 Minute Sketch’ activity each week at home. Ask an adult to perhaps give you a focus  and then aim to develop your drawing skills while completing activities from observation, memory and imagination.

    10 Min Sketch Worksheet

    Check out our new gallery link below to see further enrichment activities and events linked to Art.