Curriculum Intent
Our intent in PSHE is to ensure all pupils are taught the knowledge, skills and vocabulary appropriate to their year group focussing on the key end points.
Curriculum statement
Welcome to our Global Learning, PSHE and British Values page
At Sound, we learn about ourselves, our local area as well as learning and thinking critically about issues that affect us on a local, national and global level. Through our activities, we learn and develop skills to help us problem solve, think critically and learn more about ourselves and others around us. We have weekly lessons about Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) which also incorporate learning about the British Values.
Please view the ‘School Curriculum Overview’ section below for detailed information about our PSHE and RSE curriculum. As always, please get in touch if you have any questions or queries.
Global Learning | PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Learning) | British Values |
Through our topics, we discuss, debate and learn about issues which affect us at local, national and global level. Through our team days, we learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals through lots of interactive and cross-curricular lessons. We also have key awareness days and weeks throughout the year which allow us to focus on other people and places. |
As part of our PSHE lessons, we have three main themes for learning which have a focus each term. These are: Autumn term focus – Families and Relationships, Health and Wellbeing. Spring term focus – Safety and the changing body. This theme includes RSE (Relationships and Sex Education). Summer term focus – Citizenship, Economic Wellbeing and Transition.
We focus throughout the year on promoting the Fundamental British Values. These values are:
We are incredibly grateful to our wonderful PTA for their hard work and support in helping to improve our PSHE book collection. We have many book collections within the PSHE library which classes have already utilised to improve the quality and range of books we can share with our children.
We also have books linked to our weekly Assembly and school themes. The ones below are an example from Anti-Bullying week

Documents relating to Global Learning, British Values, PSHE and SMSC.
PSHE overview
Please find attached the year overview for PSHE. This also incorporates learning about the Fundamental British Values. PSHE is taught in a timetabled weekly session. We are also passionate about ensuring we provide children with many opportunities to learn about local, national and global issues through our ‘global learning’.
We have three main themes over the year:
Autumn term – Families and Relationships, Health and Wellbeing
Spring term – Safety and the Changing Body
Summer term – Economic Wellbeing , Citizenship and Transition
Each termly unit is split into different sections focussing on elements related to the main theme. Please view the document below to see the individual year group break down for the school.
PHSE key knowledge overview 2024-25
RSE (Relationship and Sex Education)
Safeguarding our children is of paramount importance to us at Sound and District Primary School. We also believe it is essential that children are provided with age-appropriate information to assist them in making sensible choices and developing respect for themselves and others as they progress through the school.
Relationships and sex education (RSE) is learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, human sexuality and sexual health. Some aspects are taught in science and others are taught as part of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE).
A comprehensive programme of RSE provides accurate information about the body, reproduction, sex and sexual health. It also gives children and young people essential skills for building positive, enjoyable, respectful and non-exploitative relationships and staying safe both on and offline.
With this in mind, we use resources from ‘KAPOW’ to support the teaching of RSE throughout the school. These resources have been commended by the PSHE Association and fully support the Science National Curriculum.
Please be reassured that we follow a carefully structured programme that covers RSE at an age appropriate level for children in each year group. The overview of the scheme we use is attached to this document so you can see how the scheme builds from year to year.
Care will be taken to approach these matters with sensitivity and in line with school policy. The children will be encouraged to follow up by talking to parents, carers and others who they trust.
Questions will be answered in an honest, open and age appropriate manner. Children may be encouraged to ask the question at home if it seems inappropriate for whole class discussion.
Although parents/carers have the right to withdraw their children from the non-statutory elements of RSE, we hope that the sessions will complement what you may already have discussed or be planning to discuss at home and that you will want your child to take part.
Parental involvement
The school is committed to working with parents and believes that it is important to have the support of parents and the wider community for the PSHE and RSE programme. Parents are provided with the opportunity to find out about and discuss the school’s programme through the year group curriculum information, the school website, displays and an open-door policy. We also send out letters about RSE.
To promote effective communication and discussion between parents and their children we notify parents through curriculum letters and the school website about when particular aspects of RSE will be taught. We also encourage an open-door policy to help ensure that parents can discuss issues with the school staff in a positive, sensitive and proactive manner. Please get in touch if you have any questions or queries about PSHE or RSE teaching.
Right to be excused from sex education (commonly referred to as the right to withdraw)
Parents/Carers have the right to withdraw their children from some or all of sex education delivered as part of the statutory RSE. Those parents/carers wishing to exercise this right are invited in to see the class teacher/Headteacher who will explore any concerns and discuss any impact that withdrawal may have on the child. Once a child has been withdrawn, they cannot take part in the sex education programme until the request for withdrawal has been removed. from September 2020, parents/carers do not have the right to withdraw their child from the statutory Relationships or Health Education.
Check out our new gallery link below to see further enrichment activities and events linked to PSHE, Global Learning and British Values.