• 01270 780270
  • admin@sound.cheshire.sch.uk
  • 2 Whitchurch Rd, Sound, Nantwich CW5 8AE
  • Phonics

    Useful Phonics Websites for Parents and Carers

    http://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/question/index/3  – Has lots of information and guidance for parents/carers

    http://www.letters-and-sounds.com/ – Has lots of information, printable resources for each of the Letters and Sounds phonic phases, and also links to games aligned with each phase.

    http://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ParentsMenu.html – Offers a selection of interactive games for all phonic phases.

    Mostly simple games. www.ictgames.com/literacy.html – Has a great selection of games that link well with games in Letters and Sounds.

    http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/ngfl/ngfl-flash/alphabet-eng/alphabet.htm – Letter names come up in alphabetical order

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/wordsandpictures/index.shtml – Activities for all phases

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks1bitesize/literacy/phonics/index.shtml – ‘Deep Sea Phonics’ game with choice of difficulty (some HFWs, some vowel blends, very varied).

    http://www.bigbrownbear.co.uk/magneticletters/ – Make any words with this useful game.

    http://www.phonicsinternational.com/hear_the_sounds/hear_the_sounds_1.htm – Useful page which demonstrates pronunciation of all sounds.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ksblMiliA8 – youtube video guide to pronunciation of all sounds.


    Useful Apps for tablets:

    http://www.nessy.com/hairyletters/ – Useful app with interactive activities which we use at school.




    http://www.letterschool.com/ – a good app for practicing letter formation. You can purchase the full version, or download the free version (LetterSchool Lite), which contains all the features of the full version for a subset of letters and numbers, at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/letterschool Lite), which contains all the features of the full version for a subset of letters and numbers, at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/letterschool-lite/id481067676 .