At Sound and District Primary School bullying of any kind is not tolerated and is unacceptable.
A useful way to remember what bullying is STOP:
We want to make sure that you feel looked after, safe and happy when you are in and out of school. We also want you to feel confident to seek support from school should you ever feel unsafe. We can and will help anyone who feels unhappy – please talk to us!
We can help you by:
- Helping you to know what bullying is and how to spot it.
- Teaching you what to do if you feel like you are being bullied, or if someone else is being bullied.
- Letting you know who you can speak to.
- Being there to help and support you, to make things better
You can help to stop bullying:
- If you witness bullying, take a brave step forward. Speak up and tell a teacher or trusted adult.
- Be a friend to those who need support, and include everyone in your activities.
- Treat others as you want to be treated – with kindness and respect.
The school Anti-bullying Policy is on our Policies page
Useful Websites:
Bully-free Cheshire East |
Advice and useful links to other places of support
Anti-Bullying Alliance |
Information, advice, resources and support
Kidscape |
Advice and resources for children and their parents/carers