• 01270 780270
  • admin@sound.cheshire.sch.uk
  • 2 Whitchurch Rd, Sound, Nantwich CW5 8AE
  • Onyx Class

    Welcome to Onyx Class
    Year 6

    Hello! I am Mrs Booth and I am the Year 6 Class Teacher.

    I am joined by the wonderful Mrs Kyle, who is our Teaching Assistant, RE specialist, musical wonder, Gymnastics expert and generally our everything!

    Mrs Booth

    Mrs Kyle

    What makes Onyx AMAZING?

    Onyx class consists of Year 6 pupils. These years are some of the most exciting, dynamic years of a child’s education. The children are on the cusp of becoming young adults, developing their inquisitive minds ready to question and challenge the world around them.

    We aim to empower the children with the confidence to face the challenges and new situations that lie ahead-not just this year, but beyond Sound Primary.

    Year 6 really is an action packed time, with so many opportunities for the children to immerse themselves in-much more than just SATs! We believe that by the end of the year the pupils will have much to celebrate and reflect on, not just academically but personally too. Highlights of the year will include: cross-curricular learning experiences, opportunities to become invaluable school captains, trips, sporting and musical successes, leavers events, performances….not to mention the Onyx class trip to PGL or France!

    Onyx class aims to support and encourage our pupils to take pride in their time at primary school, leaving with happy memories, friendships and the confidence to achieve their potential in the next chapter of their lives.

    RSS Onyx Class – Sound and District Primary School blog

    • 🔢Number Day 💯 February 3, 2023
      Today we celebrated Number Day. Johnny Ball (blast from the past) showed us some great number tricks and then Mike Askell shared an amazing investigation with subtracting numbers. We had great fun continuing the investigation and seeing what happened with negative numbers, different shapes, fractions and square and prime numbers. Cracking the code followed and […]
    • 🐶The Dogs Trust🐶 January 23, 2023
      On Friday, we had a very special visitor in school- Beth from The Dogs Trust. She visited every class teaching them about how to care for dogs and how to be safe around them. We all learnt so much and can’t wait to teach others what we have learnt! 🐾🐶
    • 🎄Oh no it’s not! 🎄 December 15, 2022
      The whole school had a wonderful visit to The Regent Theatre in Stoke today to watch the pantomime- Peter Pan! Onyx class were impeccably behaved and we especially loved Mrs H having a secret kiss from Jonny Wilkes and Sammy getting to go up on stage! It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! 🧑‍🎄🎅
    • 🎄The Elf Run🎄 December 14, 2022
      Even the minus temperatures couldn’t stop us having fun raising money for St Lukes Hospice. The Elf Run was a HUGE hit once again and the Sports Captains did a wonderful job warming everyone up beforehand. Thank you to everyone who sponsored the children ❤️
    • 🧑‍🎄🎄Christmas Dinner and Jumper Day 🎄🎅 December 8, 2022
      The whole school had a wonderful, festive time today at our Christmas Dinner! Onyx class even practised the traditional way of pulling their crackers! 🙈😂 Thank you to all who also helped us to raise money for Save the Children by wearing Christmas Jumpers. We think they should be the new school uniform! Ho, ho, […]
    • ❤️💙Dissecting a Heart ❤️ 💙 December 7, 2022
      Onyx Class had a great time this afternoon in Science looking at how the heart works. They got their gloves on and dissected a pigs heart looking out for the main arteries and veins and exposing the 4 chambers.
    • Trading in Onyx Class December 4, 2022
      As part of our Geography unit on Trade and Economics, the Year 6s had fun playing the trading game!
    • Year 6 Taekwondo December 4, 2022
      On Thursday, Year 6 showcased their amazing Taekwondo skills for their parents. Over the past term, the pupils have taken part in sessions run by the wonderful Leslie Wright from Tae Kwon-Do and have not only learnt the physical, self-defence skills but have also improved their fitness and developed their characters. The morals based upon […]
    • 🧯Crucial Crewe🦺 October 10, 2022
      This afternoon, Year 6 took part in Crucial Crewe 2022. We learnt all about alcohol and the effects alcohol has on the body. Next, we experimented with SP Network, learning all about electricity and electrical safety. We even found out that it can travel through our bodies! Wow! The NHS then taught us all about […]
    • ⭐️Head Boy and Girl nominations⭐️ July 15, 2022
      14 children from Year 5 were nominated by the staff to potentially be our new Head Boy and Girl. Wow! On Monday, they took a big breath and stood up in front of the whole school to perform their speeches. They all did themselves proud and made it an incredibly hard decision for the staff. […]


    Onyx class love to read! Every child in Onyx class is part of the Accelerated Reader Programme. We have a wide range of books, both fiction & non-fiction for pupils to choose from and each child is expected to read a minimum of 5 times per week, completing a ‘quiz’ within 24 hours of finishing their book. Currently, pupils quiz first thing in the morning in school or straight after lunch. The pupils aim to achieve 100% in their quizzes and join the 100% club, gaining special treats and bonuses throughout the year when they hit their individual targets! I wonder how many consistent 100%ers we’ll have this year?!


    Each child is given a diary at the start of the academic year. These diaries are our key to great communication! Children are expected to bring these diaries (as well as their reading books) into school & take them home EVERY day. Any messages from parents or staff will be added to their books, including weekly spellings, test results/targets/Accelerated Reader quiz results etc. I check the diaries every Friday. In Onyx class, children are expected to take ownership of their diaries by writing in them themselves when they have read, as well as completing weekly reviews of their learning.

    Friction Pens

    In Onyx Class, it is expected that ALL pupils use legible, neat joined up handwriting in ALL areas of the curriculum. Each child needs their own blue Friction pen. If you are struggling to buy them, please send in £2 to Mrs Cotterell as she has a secret stash of them in her cupboard!


    We are passionate about physical activity in Year 6 and strive to get active and outdoors as much as possible. Our assigned PE afternoons every week are Tuesdays & Thursdays, so children are allowed to come to school wearing their kit for the duration of the day. Please make sure that they wear a white T-shirt, black or navy shorts/jogging bottoms and either our school jumper or hoody. No Football kits should be worn. In addition to these sessions, we try to include an additional session of activity every day. This is important in order to keep the children (and staff) fresh, to maintain positive mental health and attitudes and to ensure all our children understand the importance of daily activity/exercise in order for them to forge good habits for future life.

    New spellings are sent home every Friday. The children stick these into their diaries. Please ensure your child practises these spellings as much as possible in as many different ways as possible. This is vital in helping them to not just put them into their short term memories for a test, but into their long term 

    memories for life! Following a spelling test, your child will highlight their spellings in their diaries pink or green depending on how they did. If there are any green spellings, please set aside a time at home to practice these and ensure they go back and practice these throughout the year. Again, this is vital to help aid memory retention.


    Every Friday the children bring home homework in addition to their reading and spellings. Homework will be set from classwork, so all children will know exactly what to do. We also spend time going over expectations in class. Please make sure you set high expectations for your child’s work at home. All written work needs to be completed in Friction pen and set out neatly and how we expect it in the classroom. This is an ideal time to help independence as well. By setting a time, an area where they can concentrate and be free from distraction and by checking their work afterwards, your child will begin to become more independent and take more responsibility for their work/learning. Homework is expected to be returned by the following Wednesday at the latest. Please encourage your child to complete their homework early on and bring it in on the Monday, as this teaches them to stick to deadlines and not let work build up causing higher anxiety and stress levels.


    Year 6 have many trips throughout their time at Sound, but non of them beat our Residentials to St Omer, France and PGL! These trips are a vital part of gaining self-confidence, independence, resilience, teamwork and for us all to bond as one big family!

    If you have any queries or questions however big or small, please don’t hesitate to write in your child’s diary or email admin@sound.cheshire.sch.uk

    Click on the pictures to have a look at our learning…

    Class Long Term Plan – Onyx FINAL

    Please click on the link above.

    Please see links on the Kidszone section of the website.