Our PTA (Parent Teacher Association) are an incredibly valued part of the school community, and organise a number of exciting activities for our children, families and community throughout the year.
Everyone is welcome, we appreciate any help large or small! It’s a great way of getting to know people and also helping your children’s school at the same time!
We have a page on Facebook where events and updates are shared, please follow or like us to see the latest news:
Activities throughout the year range from the annual Christmas and Summer Fairs to the amazing ‘Spooktacular’ Halloween Disco, Cinema Nights, School lottery and gifting for Mothers/Fathers Day.
Every year the PTA raise thousands of pounds for a number of educational and enrichment activities for the children. In 2018 this included funding training our teachers in the ‘Primary Writing Project’ which is a 2 year initiative and has been integrated into all subjects in school to provide our children with the tools they need in the future. Funds also subsidise various school trips and enrichment days within school. This year the focus is on technology and furniture for our new classroom.
The successes, achievements and resources are testament to the ability and dedication of our parents, children, grandparents and community, combined with the skill and devotion of our teaching, leadership and support staff.
Online shopping through the URL smile.amazon.co.uk, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) of eligible purchases to our school.
Please search for ‘Sound & District Primary School ‘when you are asked to choose a charity. Same products, same prices, but a donation every time you shop towards your children’s education at no additional cost.
We also have a school lottery! A ticket costs £1 per week and all funds raised go directly to our school. Each ticket will also enter you in TWO draws:
- A jackpot prize draw for £25,000.00.
- A local draw with a guaranteed prize for one of the supporters of our school. The size of the prize will depend on the number of tickets bought for the school that week.
The lottery is a fun and effective way to raise money to improve our school. But we need your help to make the lottery the best it can be, so please support the lottery today – and who knows maybe you’ll be the next £25,000 winner!
For further information on the PTA and how you can join us please visit: http://www.soundpta.com