Welcome to Year 2!

Welcome to Ruby Class, the home of Year Two!
The amazing Rubies in our class taught by Mrs Allen, Mrs Styles and supported by Mrs Dale.

The expert in anything was once the beginner!
- Helen Hayes

Where learning is fun!
We look forward to working alongside you this year in providing the best opportunities for your children to succeed and be the best they can be. Our classroom is a fun, engaging and a happy place to be!
General Reminders
Please bring in the following items everyday:
- A jumper and coat in school
- Water bottle
- Book bag
- Reading diary and reading book (even if it hasn’t been finished).
Please ensure all clothing items are labelled. Thank you!
We ask that you try to read with your child every night, even if it’s just for 5 minutes. To help your children be the best they can be please ask as many questions and talk about the books that your child is reading as much as possible as this will have huge impact on their understanding. Your child will also have lots of opportunities to read and enjoy books throughout the week in school.
P.E is taught for two hours each week. The children will practise many skills such as throwing, catching, balancing and coordination. To help you to know what your child will need to wear on PE days, please see the list below.
- Trainers or pumps
- White P.E Top (ideally with the Sound Logo)
- Black P.E Shorts
- Long tracksuit bottoms and top in the colder months
- Extra pair of trainers (for field)
- Please wear either a school jumper or school hoodie (if you have chosen to buy one) on top.
PE kits are to be worn into school on PE days (currently a Monday, Thursday and Friday). Children will remain in their PE kits all day so they do not need to bring a change of clothes.
Please make sure children bring their book bags into school each day. You may personalise the book bag with one key ring so children can easily identify their bag.
Additional school bags and pencil cases are not needed. We provide all stationery at school.
We like to ask that toys are kept at home as we do not want to risk them getting lost.
Special items and photos are always welcome in school as we love to do show and tell sessions with the children.
At Sound School, we always welcome volunteers to come and read with the children, work alongside the class or even volunteer for clubs or special activities. If this is of interest to you, don’t hesitate to speak to the office or the class teacher and they will point you in the right direction.
As always, if you have any questions, no matter how small, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 2 team.
Thank you all for your support and we look forward to a successful year in Ruby Class!
Mrs Allen, Mrs Styles and Mrs Dale
Please find attached our learning plans for the 2024/2025 academic year!
At the start of the academic year, parents and carers are invited to our ‘Meet the teacher’ session which welcomes you to your child’s new year group and sets out key information for the coming year. The attached PowerPoint was used as part of the meeting for Ruby Class. Please get in touch if you have any further questions or queries. Many thanks!
Please find below the latest information about Year 2 Optional SATS
Useful website links for educational games:
For useful links for games and activities please see links below or the Kidszone section of the website.
Also, BBC Bitesize has a Primary Catch Up Programme.
Oaks Academy also has a large range of lesson, online videos to support children’s learning.