Curriculum statement
Curriculum Intent
Our intent in Maths is to ensure all pupils are taught the knowledge, skills and vocabulary appropriate to their year group focussing on the key end points.
Here at Sound and District Primary School we believe that all children are entitled to a broad mathematics curriculum in which their learning needs are identified, met and extended. Pupils experience a range of practical and written activities on number and place value, calculation, measurement, geometry and statistics.
We believe it is important that children are allowed to explore Maths and present their findings not only in a written form but also visually; to that end the school has adopted the CPA approach: concrete, pictorial, abstract. This allows the children to experience the physical aspects of Maths before finding a way to present their findings and understandings in a visual form before relying on the abstract numbers.
The link below will take you to the National Curriculum Mathematics program of study.
KIRFs (To practise at home)
Check out our new gallery link below to see further enrichment activities and events linked to Maths.